2022 年
目 次
Clinical Features of Moyamoya Disease in Southwest Henan Province ZHAI Yuting;ZHANG Baochao;BAI Fanghui;LI Hui;ZHENG Haocun2022-12-25
Application Value of Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needleaspiration in the Qualitative Diagnosis of Unexplained Hilar and Mediastinal Mass and Mediastinal Lymph Node Enlargement ZHANG Ye, LIU Ying, YAN Jingjing, MA Jiao, LIU Zheng2022-2-25
Clinical Features of Rhabdomyolysis Syndrome Caused by Acute Arterial Occlusion SONG Qiang1 , GAO Chuqi2 , YANGRuibo3 , HU Zhi1 , ZHANG Tongxin2 , YANG Lin4 , QIANG Wei22022-3-25
Clinical Effect of Nerve Mobilization Combined with Head-body Acupuncture in the Treatment of Hemiplegia afterCerebral Infarction XU Yingjuan, CAO Bin, ZHAO Yuqian, GAO Yang, LIU Xuesheng, WANG Jingfang2022-4-25
Atypical Acute Aortic Syndrome: a Case Report and Literature Review LI Bo1 , WU Chunrong2 , WU Can12022-5-25
Impact on Rehabilitation Effect of High-frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Combined with Taskoriented Training on Upper Limb Motor Function in Patients with Hemiplegia after Stroke ZHAO Qin, FEI Shizao,FANG Fen, CAO Keyong2022-1-25
Effect of Castor Stent Combined with Left Common Carotid Artery Chimney Stent Technology in the Treatment ofAortic Arch Aneurysm YE Xiaoqiang1, FENG Gang1, HUANG Lei1, OUYANG Chun1, LI Haiyan2, DA Qingen1, OUYANG Kunfu1, HAN Zhen1, REN Mingming12022-9-25
Diagnosis of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis Caused by Aspergillus Ruber Using Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing: a Case Report and Literature Review LIU Meihong, ZHANG Jie, DONG Chang, LIU Zhuo, LI Yanxia, YU Liyan2022-8-25
Diagnostic Value of Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification for Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Lower Respiratory Tract Infection WEN Ya;DU Yanjia;HUANG Juan;ZENG Hanhua;ZHONG Zishuang;ZHANG Weiqiang2022-12-25
Application of Inflammatory Biomarkers and Molecular Imaging Technology in the Evaluation of AtheroscleroticVulnerable Plaques LIU Fan1 , SHAO Hongyuan22022-6-25