
Current issue
Vol 32, issue 5


2023 年11 期 第31 卷

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中国老年人主观认知下降患病率的 Meta 分析

Prevalence of Subjective Cognitive Decline in Elderly People in China: a Meta-analysis


1.550002贵州省贵阳市,贵州中医药大学护理学院 2.550002贵州省贵阳市,贵州省人民医院护理部
1.Nursing School of Guizhou University of TCM, Guiyang 550002, China2.Department of Nursing, Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital, Guiyang 550002, China
Cognitive dysfunction; Subjective cognitive decline; Prevalence; China; Aged; Meta-analysis
R 741


目的 通过Meta分析方法系统评价中国老年人主观认知下降(SCD)的患病率。方法 计算机检索PubMed、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、Embase、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普网、中国生物医学文献数据库和华艺线上图书馆公开发表的关于中国老年人SCD患病率的文献,检索时限为建库至2023-03-01。同时检索纳入文献的参考文献,以补充相关文献。由2名研究人员独立筛选文献、提取资料并评价纳入文献的偏倚风险。采用Stata 16.0软件进行Meta分析。结果 最终纳入17篇文献,总样本量为29 523例,其中SCD患者14 390例;各文献的美国卫生保健研究和质量机构(AHRQ)横断面研究评价标准评分为5~9分。Meta分析结果显示,中国老年人SCD患病率为46.4%〔95%CI(40.6%,52.2%)〕。亚组分析结果显示,中国不同性别、年龄、文化程度、地区、居住地、职业类型老年人SCD患病率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);中国不同BMI、婚姻状况老年人SCD患病率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。敏感性分析结果显示,逐一剔除各文献后Meta分析结果基本一致,提示Meta分析结果较稳定。Egger's检验结果显示,各文献不存在发表偏倚(t=0.160,P=0.878)。结论 中国老年人SCD患病率较高,为46.4%,其中女性、年龄≥80岁、小学及以下文化程度、南方、农村、从事体力劳动的老年人SCD患病率偏高。


Objective To systematically evaluate the prevalence of subjective cognitive decline (SCD) in elderlypeople in China through meta-analysis. Methods The literature on the prevalence of SCD in elderly people in China weresearched by computer, including PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Embase, CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP, China BiologyMedicine disc and Airiti Library. The search deadline was from database establishment to March 1st, 2023. At the same time,the references of the included literature were searched to supplement the acquisition of relevant literature. Two researchersindependently screened the literature, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias in the included literature. Meta-analysis wasperformed using Stata 16.0 software. Results Finally, 17 literature were included, with a total sample size of 29 523 cases,including 14 390 patients with SCD. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) cross-sectional study evaluationcriteria for each literature were 5-9 points. The meta-analysis results showed that the prevalence of SCD in elderly people inChina was 46.4% [95%CI (40.6%, 52.2%) ] . The results of subgroup analysis showed that there was statistically significantdifference in the prevalence of SCD among elderly people with different genders, ages, educational levels, regions, places ofresidence, and occupational types in China (P < 0.05) ; there was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of SCDamong elderly people with different BMI and marital status in China (P > 0.05) . The sensitivity analysis results showed that afterremoving each literature one by one, the meta-analysis results were basically consistent, indicating that the meta-analysis resultswere relatively stable. The Egger's test results showed that there was no publication bias in each literature (t=0.160, P=0.878) .Conclusion The prevalence of SCD among elderly people in China is relatively high, at 46.4%. Among them, the prevalenceof SCD is higher among women, those aged ≥ 80, those with primary school education or below, those in the south, those in ruralareas, and those who engage in physical labor.
