
Current issue
Vol 32, issue 5


2023 年1 期 第31 卷

中西医结合研究 HTML下载 PDF下载


Discussion on the Formation Mechanism of Blood Stasis Syndrome in Coronary Heart Disease Based on the Theory of Spatiotemporal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine


1.410208湖南省长沙市,湖南中医药大学中医学院 2.410208湖南省长沙市,湖南中医药大学国家重点学科中医诊断学实验室 湖南省重点实验室 通信作者:简维雄,E-mail:daxiong20001977@163.com
1.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410208, China 2.National Key Discipline of TCM Diagnositics/Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410208, China Corresponding author: JIAN Weixiong, E-mail: daxiong20001977@163.com
冠心病; 血瘀; 中医时空医学; 依时性; 依空性; 自噬;
Coronary disease; Blood stasis; Spatiotemporal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine; Time dependent; Space-dependent; Autophagy
国家自然科学基金资助项目(81973753);湖南省自 然科学基金资助项目(2022JJ30433);湖南省研究生科研创新项目 (CX20220781)




【Abstract】 The occurrence and development of coronary heart disease with blood stasis syndrome are time-dependent and space-dependent. The time-dependent syndrome is reflected in the fact that it starts with the deficiency of Qi, the cohesion of phlegm and blood stasis are the products as time goes by, and gradually forms blood stasis syndrome. Space-dependent syndrome refers to the influence of pathological products such as phlegm-stasis cementation to promote the continuous transmission of the disease site of coronary heart disease with blood stasis syndrome, which leads to the derivation of different subtypes of blood stasis syndrome. In the absence of research on the whole process of initiation and outcome of blood stasis syndrome, this isolated pathological phenomenon would not explain the characteristics of pathogenesis changes in the formation of coronary heart disease with blood stasis syndrome. In this paper, the evolution process of coronary heart disease with blood stasis syndrome is described in detail under the guidance of the theory of spatiotemporal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. From the perspective of preclinical medicine, autophagy was taken as the breakthrough point to discuss the pathological evolution mechanism of blood stasis syndrome in different stages of the formation process, and grasp the biological basis of blood stasis syndrome on the whole, in order to explore the idea of accurate diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease with blood stasis syndrome.
