2024 年4 期 第32 卷

中青年脑卒中患者康复体验及需求质性研究的 Meta 整合
Meta-synthesis of Qualitative Research on Rehabilitation Experience and Needs of Young and Middle-Aged Stroke Patients
作者:余进1 ,蒋晓峰1 ,李颖超1 ,郑爽1 ,崔晗1 ,王淑荣2
- 单位:
- 1.150040黑龙江省哈尔滨市,黑龙江中医药大学第二临床医学院 2.150001黑龙江省哈尔滨市,黑龙江中 医药大学附属第二医院护理部
- 单位(英文):
- 1.The Second Clinical Medical School, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin 150040, China 2.Nursing Department, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin 150001, China
- 关键词:
- 卒中;中年人;青年人;康复;质性研究;Meta整合
- 关键词(英文):
- Stroke; Middle aged; Young adult; Rehabilitation; Qualitative research; Meta-synthesis
- 中图分类号:
- R 743
- DOI:
- 10.12114/j.issn.1008-5971.2024.00.081
- 基金项目:
- 黑龙江省中医药科研项目(ZHY2023-155);黑龙江省教学改革项目(SJGY20210808);黑龙江中医药大学研究生 创新基金项目(2023yjscx033)
目的 对中青年脑卒中患者的康复体验及需求进行Meta整合。方法 计算机检索PubMed、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、Embase、CINAHL、PsycINFO、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普网、中国生物医 学文献数据库公开发表的关于中青年脑卒中患者康复体验及需求的质性研究,并通过其他途径查阅相关文献作为补 充。检索时限为建库至2023年8月。由两名研究人员独立进行文献筛选、资料提取,采用澳大利亚乔安娜布里格斯研 究所(JBI)循证卫生保健中心的质性研究质量评价工具独立评价纳入文献质量,采用汇集性整合方法对主要研究结果 进行Meta整合。结果 最终纳入文献11篇,共涉及173例患者。文献质量评价结果显示,A级3篇,B级8篇。11篇文献 共有35个主题和88个子主题,通过Meta整合形成了3个整合结果和10个新主题。结论 本研究通过对11篇质性研究进 行Meta整合,形成了陷入的困境与挣扎(包括内心挣扎与精神内耗、人际关系的窘境、生活的困境、容易被忽视)、 未满足的需求(包括个性化的康复、信息和结构化的支持、外界的关注与支持、渴望回归正常生活)、向上的改变 (包括积极乐观的心态、积极反思与应对)3个整合结果和10个新主题。
Objective To conduct meta-synthesis of qualitative research on rehabilitation experience and needs of young and middle-aged stroke patients. Methods Qualitative research on the rehabilitation experience and needs of young and middle-aged stroke patients published in PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP and Chinese Biomedical Database was searched, and the relevant literature was consulted through other ways as a supplement. The search deadline was from database establishment to August 2023. Literature screening and data extraction were conducted independently by two researchers. The quality of the included literature was independently evaluated using the Qualitative Research Quality Evaluation tool of Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Evidence-based Healthcare Center in Australia, and meta-synthesis of the main research results was carried out using the pooled integration method. Results Finally, 11 articles were included, involving 173 patients. The results of literature quality evaluation showed that there were 3 papers in grade A and 8 papers in grade B. There were 35 topics and 88 subtopics in 11 literature, and 3 integration results and 10 new topics were formed through meta-synthesis. Conclusion Through meta-synthesis of 11 qualitative studies, this study formed 3 integration results, namely dilemma and struggle (including inner struggles and mental exhaustion, interpersonal difficulties, life difficulties, and easy to be ignored) , unmet needs (including personalized rehabilitation, information and structured support, external attention and support, and desire to return to normal life) , upward change (including positive and optimistic attitudes, positive reflection and response) , and 10 new themes.