2023 年1 期 第31 卷

Influencing Factors of Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infections in Children in Henan Province
- 单位:
- 1.450000河南省郑州市,河南中医药大学儿科医学院 2.450000河南省郑州市,河南中医药大学第一附属医院儿科 3.450000河南省郑州市,河南省儿童医院儿科 通信作者:宋桂华,E-mail:songgh123@126.com
- 单位(英文):
- 1.School of Pediatrics College, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450000, China 2.Pediatrics Department, the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of CM, Zhengzhou 450000, China 3.Pediatrics Department, Henan Children's Hospital, Zhengzhou 450000, China Corresponding author: SONG Guihua, E-mail: songgh123@126.com
- 关键词:
- 呼吸道感染; 反复呼吸道感染; 儿童; 河南省; 影响因素分析;
- 关键词(英文):
- Respiratory tract infections; Recurrent respiratory tract infections; Child; Henan Province; Root causeanalysis
- 中图分类号:
- DOI:
- 10.12114/j.issn.1008-5971.2023.00.013
- 基金项目:
- 河南省中医药传承与创新人才工程(仲景工程)(豫卫中医函[2021]8号);河南省特色骨干学科中医学学科建设项目(STG-ZYXKY-2020025)
目的 分析河南省儿童发生反复呼吸道感染(RRTI)的影响因素。方法 采用整群随机抽样法选取2022年3月7—27日因呼吸系统疾病就诊于河南省郑州市、信阳市、平顶山市、安阳市、周口市、三门峡市、开封市、南阳市、洛阳市、濮阳市、商丘市、驻马店市12个市的59家医院儿呼吸科或儿内科门诊的患儿5 900例(每家医院100例)为调查对象。根据患儿RRTI发生情况将其分为病例组(发生RRTI)和对照组(未发生RRTI)。采用自行制定的一般资料调查问卷对患儿进行调查。采用多因素非条件Logistic回归分析探讨河南省儿童发生RRTI的影响因素。结果 共发放问卷5 900份,回收有效问卷5 306份,有效回收率为89.93%。5 306例患儿中,发生RRTI 1 440例(27.14%)。多因素非条件Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄[>2~5岁:OR=1.722,95%CI(1.410,2.103);>5~14岁:OR=1.461,95%CI(1.176,1.816)],出生方式[OR=1.175,95%CI(1.036,1.333)],出生时有窒息、缺氧、抢救史[OR=2.164,95%CI(1.471,3.184)],幼时混合喂养[OR=1.208,95%CI(1.049,1.390)],挑食[OR=1.720,95%CI(1.511,1.957)],油炸及快餐类食品摄入情况[偶尔吃:OR=1.178,95%CI(1.003,1.382);经常吃:OR=1.397,95%CI(1.091,1.790)]是河南省儿童发生RRTI的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论2~14岁,剖宫产,出生时有窒息、缺氧、抢救史,幼时混合喂养,挑食,偶尔、经常吃油炸及快餐类食品是河南省儿童发生RRTI的危险因素。
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the influencing factors of recurrent respiratory tract infections (RRTI) in children in Henan Province. Methods From 2022-03-07 to 2022-03-27, a total of 5 900 children (100 cases in each hospital) who were hospitalized in Pediatric Respiratory Department or Pediatric Clinics of 59 hospitals in 12 cities of Zhengzhou, Xinyang, Pingdingshan, Anyang, Zhoukou, Sanmenxia, Kaifeng, Nanyang, Luoyang, Puyang, Shangqiu and Zhumadian in Henan Province due to respiratory diseases were selected as subjects by cluster random sampling method. According to the occurrence of RRTI in children, they were divided into case group (with RRTI) and control group (without RRTI) . A self-designed general data questionnaire was used to investigate the children. Multivariate non-conditional Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of RRTI in children in Henan Province. Results A total of 5 900 questionnaires were issued and 5 306 valid ones were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 89.93%. Among 5 306 children, 1 440 (27.14%) had RRTI. The results of multivariate non-conditional Logistic regression analysis showed that age [> 2-5 years old: OR=1.722, 95%CI (1.410, 2.103) ; > 5~14 years old: OR=1.461, 95%CI (1.176, 1.816) ] , birth mode [OR=1.175, 95%CI (1.036, 1.333) ] , history of asphyxia, hypoxia and rescue at birth [OR=2.164, 95%CI (1.471, 3.184) ] , mixed feeding in infant [OR=1.208, 95%CI (1.049, 1.390) ] , picky eating [OR=1.720, 95%CI (1.511, 1.957) ] , fried food and fast food intake [occasional eating: OR=1.178, 95%CI (1.003, 1.382) ; regular consumption: OR=1.397, 95%CI (1.091, 1.790) ] were the influencing factors of RRTI in children in Henan Province (P < 0.05) . Conclusion From 2 to 14 years old, caesarean section, history of asphyxia, hypoxia and rescue at birth, mixed feeding in infancy, picky eating, occasionally and often eating fried and fast food are the risk factors for RRTI in children in Henan Province.