2022 年6 期 第30 卷

Rumination Level and Its Correlation with Optimism-Pessimism in Stroke Convalescent Patients
- 单位:
- 226600江苏省南通市,南通大学附属海安人民医院神经外科 通信作者:崔益秋,E-mail:everydayc1@126.com
- 单位(英文):
- Department of Neurosurgery, Haian People's Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University, Nantong 226600, China Corresponding author: CUI Yiqiu, E-mail: everydayc1@126.com
- 关键词:
- 卒中; 康复期; 反刍,认知; 反刍性沉思; 乐观主义; 悲观主义;
- 关键词(英文):
- Stroke; Rehabilitation phase; Rumination, cognitive; Rumination; Optimism; Pessimism
- 中图分类号:
- DOI:
- 10.12114/j.issn.1008-5971.2022.00.157
- 基金项目:
- :江苏省医院协会2020年度医院管理创新研究课题(JSYGY-3-2020-83)
目的分析脑卒中康复期患者反刍性沉思水平及其与乐观-悲观主义心理的相关性。方法 选取2020年3月至2021年10月南通大学附属海安人民医院收治的脑卒中康复期患者125例为调查对象。采用一般情况调查表、简体中文版事件相关反刍性沉思问卷(C-ERRI)、乐观主义-悲观主义量表(OPS)对其进行调查。采用Pearson相关分析探讨脑卒中康复期患者C-ERRI评分与OPS评分的相关性;采用多元线性回归分析探讨脑卒中康复期患者C-ERRI评分的影响因素。结果 共发放问卷125份,回收有效问卷116份,有效回收率为92.8%。Pearson相关分析结果显示,C-ERRI侵入性反刍性沉思维度评分与OPS乐观心理倾向维度评分呈负相关(r=-0.393,P<0.001),与OPS悲观心理倾向维度评分呈正相关(r=0.501,P<0.001);C-ERRI目的性反刍性沉思维度评分与OPS乐观心理倾向维度评分呈正相关(r=0.336,P<0.001),与OPS悲观心理倾向维度评分呈负相关(r=-0.336,P<0.001)。多元线性回归分析结果显示,文化程度、PSSS评分、OPS乐观心理倾向维度评分、OPS悲观心理倾向维度评分均是脑卒中康复期患者C-ERRI侵入性、目的性反刍性沉思维度评分的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论 脑卒中康复期患者反刍性沉思水平较高,尤其是侵入性反刍性沉思水平较高,且其侵入性反刍性沉思水平与悲观主义心理呈正相关,与乐观主义心理呈负相关。
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the level of rumination and its correlation with optimism-pessimism in strokeconvalescent patients. Methods From March 2020 to October 2021, 125 stroke convalescent patients who admitted to HaianPeople's Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University were included as the research subjects. The general situation questionnaire,simplified Chinese Version of Event Related Rumination Inventory (C-ERRI) and Optimism-Pessimism Scale (OPS) were used toinvestigate them. Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation between C-ERRI score and OPS score in strokeconvalescent patients; multiple linear regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of C-ERRI score in strokeconvalescent patients. Results A total of 125 questionnaires were distributed and 116 valid questionnaires were recovered, withan effective recovery rate of 92.8%. Pearson correlation analysis showed that C-ERRI intrusive rumination score was negativelycorrelated with the OPS optimism dimension score (r=-0.393, P < 0.001) , and positively correlated with the OPS pessimismdimension score (r=0.501, P < 0.001) ; C-ERRI purposeful rumination score was positively correlated with OPS optimism dimensionscore (r=0.336, P < 0.001) , and negatively correlated with OPS pessimism dimension score (r=-0.336, P < 0.001) . The results ofmultiple linear regression analysis showed that educational level, PSSS score, OPS optimism dimension score, and OPS pessimismdimension score were the influencing factors of C-ERRI intrusive and purposeful rumination score in stroke convalescent patients.Conclusion The level of rumination in stroke convalescent patients was higher, especially the level of intrusive rumination, andthe level of intrusive rumination was positively correlated with pessimism and negatively correlated with optimism.